Wow, someone ACTUALLY who knows what they're doing!

I'll cut right to the chase. I've dealt with TONNES of agencies who talk a good game and claim that they can grow your customer base for you quickly and efficiently...

On top of that, I've met many individuals who claim to be "experts" when it comes to managing paid advertising campaigns online.

The truth is : Online advertising campaign management is TRICKY and you need smart people managing them... Unless you want to lose a bunch of money.

Now I can confidently say that Mihovil and Udonis have outperformed all of the agencies that I have ever dealt with in terms of delivering results. Bar none. This guy really knows what he's talking about when it comes to increasing CTR, decreasing CPC, improving relevancy scores on campaigns, measuring results with Analytics etc... Finding someone who is able to understand and implement all of these things properly is hard to find.. Mihovil is the real deal.

almost 7 years agoSee this agency